Katherine Barrett and Richard Greene

This blog is written and reported on an ongoing basis by Katherine Barrett and Richard Greene (sometimes known as B&G). Married since 1982, Barrett and Greene are nationally known for their expertise in government policy and management. They are correspondents and columnists for Governing magazine. They are also founding authors of the B&G Report, a bi-weekly e-newsletter, with circulation of about 45,000, which is distributed as a part of the Governing Management newsletter.  They were founders of the Government Performance Project reports about states, cities and counties, and continue to consult with that effort. In addition, they have served as advisers to many organizations including the Governmental Accounting Standards Board; the National League of Cities; the Association of Government Accountants; the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future; the Center for a Better South and others. They are the authors of hundreds of magazine articles and have written five books, as a team. They have two children, Sandra and Benjamin, which they say, is all the stimulus they’ll ever need.

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